Tuesday, November 1, 2011


.Part Two


The ride home from the cemetery was silent. I could tell Morgan was still hurting about her parents. I even saw a tear. I leaned over and kissed that tear away. She looked at me and smiled slightly. “I haven’t heard from Angie in a while.” She said breaking the silence. “yeah, ever since she broke up with Trey, she hasn’t been herself.” “I noticed that, but my sister’s a trooper, she’ll be okay. Trey ain’t shit. Cheatin on my sister and on top of that he got the bitch pregnant.” My eyes got wide. That information I did not know. “He got ol’ girl pregnant?” “yes, I was so heated. Angie was in love with him and he did her so dirty.” We arrived home and saw a familiar car, then we walked in the house to see Angie, she had dry tear stains on her cheeks. “Angie? What’s wrong sis?” Morgan asked. “I just found out… but I can’t be, I just cant.” She said sniffling. “What?” “I’m pregnant?” Morgan almost fell off the couch and I just stood, mouth open. “Trey’s?” “who else?” “but wait, you and homegirl are both pregnant? How?” “Trey and I had unprotected sex a month before I found out he cheated on me.” “Are you gonna tell him?” “I don’t know Morgan, I don’t know.” “Don’t tell you’re thinking about termination.” “Hell no. I don’t care how bad that bastard hurt me, I’m not gonna take it out on my unborn baby.” “Good.” While all of this was goin on, I saw that I had a voice message. But decided to check it later. “You gon be okay Ang?” I asked her. “yes, Chris I’ll be fine.” She said givin me a hug. “Morgan, I’ll be upstairs.” “Okay babe.” I pecked her lips and walked up to the room. I sat down and listened to the message. It was my lil brother Gui, he was my only brother, we were tight. I texted him back and told him where to meet me. He texted back and said he was bringin the homie Timor. It’s been a long time since we all hung out. I also want Gui to meet his future sister-in-law. Oh yeah, I’m thinkin about it. I definitely want to make Morgan my wife. I love her, she’s my world.


Yup, you all heard right, I am a month and a half pregnant with Trey’s baby. I thought I was just gettin fat from all the food I had been eating. I mean I’m happy that I’m about to be a mother, but the father is a low down, dirty dog. But then again no child should grow up without a father. So I’ve decided to tell Trey that his whore ain’t the only one expecting. “Morgan, I’ll call you. I got somethin to do.” “you about to go tell Trey?” “yup, I have a hunch that he’s at his house with that nasty skank he impregnated.” “Well handle your business girl, call me if you need backup.” I hugged Morgan, grabbed my keys and left.

On my way to Trey’s, my blood was boiling because I was still hurting. I loved this man. He did me so fuckin dirty. “It’s now or never.” I said to myself as I parked, turned off the car, got out, and walked up the walkway. I knocked on the door and within seconds a shirtless Trey answered the door. “We need to talk.” Was all I said to him. He moved aside and let me in. He tried to hug me but I wasn’t havin that. “Trey, I’m not here for all of that. I’m only here for one reason.” “And that is?” “you’re gonna be a daddy.” “you still stuck on that Ang?” “I’m not talkin about that slut you nutted in. I’m pregnant.” I could tell he was shocked by the look on his face. “I’m tell you now, you will be able to see him or her, but me and you will never happen again, not after the way you hurt me.” I turned to walk away when he called me. “Angie?” I turned around. “What?” “I’ll be there whenever you need me.” “Actions speak louder than words Trey.” And with that I left. I can honestly say, I’m startin to feel better. I rubbed my growing belly and smiled, and then I drove home.

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