Thursday, November 3, 2011



I walked around my room packin up stuff… anything that reminded me of Trey, things that he gave me, letters that he wrote me, cards and pictures, I deleted all emails from him, deleted photos of me and him off of my twitpics and my facebook. You can pretty much guess that we broke up. I didn’t catch him cheating, although I dont doubt that he was, we had planned to move in together, things just didn’t work out in our favor. All we did was argue… I know I put up a front with my sister that things were good, I plan to tell her the truth today.

After I packed everything, I sat the box outside for the garbage man to pick up, when Morgan’s car pulled up. “Heyyy sis!” I hugged her as she ran up to me. “Hey Morgan.” She looked at the box and the contents in it and on top was a photo of me and Trey. “What happened Angie?” My eyes welled up with tears. “First off, Morgan, I wanna say I’m sorry for lying to you.” She looked confused. “Lying? Whatchu mean?” “I put up a front, I pretended like things were fine between me and Trey but the truth is, we’ve been on the outs for months. Finally we called it quits last night.” “Awww, Angie.” She hugged me as I cried on her shoulder. “It’s okay.” We pulled apart and I wiped my tears. “So where is he now?” “I have no idea.” Morgan and I sat in silence for a while until I broke the silence. “I saw the magazine… you 2 make such a cute couple.” “Thank you Angie, and I wanna say… you’ll find the right guy, I know these things, I’m your sister.” She gave me a big cheesy smile which made me laugh. We sat and talked for a while, when I heard the doorbell ring. I got up and answered it. “Trey? what are you doin here?” “I came to tell you the truth.” I knew where this was goin. “Truth is, I did… I had a fling and she’s… pregnant.” My eyes got wide. “Pregnant?? Really Trey??” “I’m sorry Angie, I was stupid.” “Leave Trey” “Angie…” “Leave, now.” Before he could say anything more, I slapped him across his face so hard he stumbled. I ran up to my room, I knew Morgan her everything, because I heard her say to Trey… “how could you do that to my sister?” I didn’t hear anything more, I guess he left. I heard Morgan enter my room, I cried on her shoulder. Why? Why do these things happen to me? I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.


I could kill Trey for hurtin my sister like that. That sincere look didn’t fool me one bit, because I looked out of the window and saw he kissed the bitch and touched her stomach. I wanted so bad to go run out that door and slap the taste out of his mouth, but I kept my cool and went upstairs to comfort my sister. “I’ll be okay Morgan, really.” “I dont wanna leave you like this Angie.” She hugged me. “I’ll be fine, Morgan, I’m gonna take a nap.” “You sure?” “yeah.” “okay, you call me when you need me.” “I will, thank you…” she hugged me again “you are the bestest lil sister ever.” I smiled and kissed her cheek.” She got into bed and soon fell asleep. I let myself out and proceeded to get into my car, but before I could someone called my name, I looked back and saw Trey. I rolled my eyes.

“Look Morgan, I know you pissed, but…” “But nothin, you cheated on my sister and you expect me not to get in it?” I looked him up and down. “You know what, go back to your whore, my sister can do better than you.” “Ay, watch your mouth about my child’s mother.” My blood started to boil, I looked at him with red in my eyes. “So now you protectin the bitch, huh? Well you tell her, she better be happy she is pregnant or else she’d be gettin a fuckin concrete face lift… now move the fuck outta my way.” I pushed him, got into my car, and drove off. He got some nerve.

I arrived home, got out and slammed the door. Chris must have been in the backyard because he heard me. Oh yeah, we moved in together. “Baby, you okay.” I walked towards the gate and went in the back where he was. “No, I’m not.” He sensed that I was livid. “What happened?” He came up and kissed my forehead. “That bastard of a homeboy of yours cheated on my sister… and got the bitch pregnant!” He couldn’t believe his ears. “My nigga Trey? Are you serious.” “dead ass, I wanted to kill him. comin with this innocent ‘We just didn’t work out’ bullshit.” Chris rubbed my back, I was so pissed at him. But I know my sister can do a whole lot better. I hate seein her cry because it makes me wanna kill the person who made her cry, I love my sister to death, I got her back like she got mine. I can only hope she can get over Trey quick, I don’t want her cryin over that asshole no more… PERIOD.

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