Saturday, October 29, 2011


.Part One


Another day at work. We traveled to the beach this time. And if you’re wondering, yes Morgan was with me at work today because she does not trust Indiya at all. “If she tries somethin, this size 5 Nike is goin up her overly inflated ass.” I had to laugh. “Morgan, baby go sit off your feet.” I pecked her lips and she went and sat down. Then Indiya came out of wardrobe in a green-ish bathing suit. She gave a couple of poses on her knees near the water and then she gave me one standing up. She gave a smile and went to go change. I looked back and Morgan was watching her like a hawk. All I could do was pray nothin popped off. I went inside to grab more film. I looked back and she was pretty much topless practicin poses. I ran outside put the film in the camera and took the toplesslayin in the sand” photos.

In the middle of everything Morgan walked up to me. “Baby, Angie isn’t feeling good, so I am about to head to her house and see about her. I mean with the pregnancy, she needs to shake this cold.” “you shouldn’t be gettin sick either.” “I know babe.” “Go and take care of Angie.” I smiled. “I love you.” She gave a long passionate kiss and then looked Indiya up and down and walked off.

I had been workin with Indiya for a while and as me and my assistant looked over all of her photos, we had to call her in to pic her favorite to go on the magazine cover. “So which one do you like best Indiya?” I asked her. “I don’t know, I like this one.” She said picking the photo of her in black. “So you want that one as the cover?” “yeah, that one is my favorite.” “Okay, we’ll go over the rest to go on the inside.” I could feel her starin at me, pretty much undressing me with her eyes. I felt kind of uncomfortable, but then again, she’s only lookin.

I packed up my stuff when Indiya came and sat down. “Hey.” “sup.” “You about to go?” “yeah, we done for today.” I was about to walk away when she grabbed my arm. Next thing I knew her lips were on mine and stupidly I kissed back slightly but then backed away. This was the second time she did this. “No, Indiya, no we ain’t doin this.” “Why? I like you, I thought you were feelin me.” “Indiya this is my job, I encourage the models to give more.” “Isn’t this exactly how you and Morgan hooked up?” I had to admit me and Morgan fell in love, but Morgan didn’t openly flirt with me like this. “You and Morgan are completely different. I fell in love with Morgan.” She laughed. “Who said anything about love? All I want you to do is fuck me sensless.” She said rubbin my chest. Then I chuckled and grabbed her wrists gently. “Not gon happen.” With that I walked to my car, loaded my stuff in the trunk, got in and drove home.“Morgan is going to kill me if she finds out about the kiss.” I thought. I sighed because I plan on tellin her, because it really wasn’t my fault.

I walked in the house and noticed Morgan wasn’t here. I forgot she was at Angie’s house. Just as I sat down, she walked in. She noticed I was kind of off. “Somethin wrong Chris?” “Honestly yes and I’m gon come right out and say it.” “Say what?” “Indiya kissed me again as I was about to leave.” She just nodded, that ‘yeah Imma kill that bitch’ kinda nod. “Morgan, I know what you’re thinking. You’re pregnant, you can’t be fighting.” “I know, but I also knew she would try this shit. I told you she was a whore.” “So you don’t blame me?” “Hell no, did you kiss her back?” Uh oh. I may as well. “Slightly.” “Slightly? I’m not even mad at you Chris, Indiya is just a scandalous slut, she only wants you because you’re attractive and the main reason is that you’re mine. I told you she always has to have what I want or what I already have. Trust me when I say she’s gonna want a baby next only because I am.” I could tell Morgan was pissed, but thank goodness I was off work for the next couple of weeks.

Morgan went up to the room and I guess laid down and fell asleep because I haven’t heard a peep out of her. I felt my phone in my pocket vibrate. I checked it and sure enough it was Indiya. How did she get my number? I never gave it to her. Either way she texted me about hookin up. I ignored the text and deleted it. This girl was relentless. I love Morgan, nobody is going to change that. All Indiya wants is a fling, that’s not going to happen. At least that what I’ll keep tellin myself. I kept chantin over and over again ‘do NOT give in to Indiya’ but honestly speakin, I did wonder what she was like in sheets. I was curious to how freaky she was. I don’t even know why I was thinkin like this. Morgan is all I need.

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