Monday, October 24, 2011


.Part Two


You guys are wondering who I am and where I came from right? Well my name is Marissa Coleman, I’m 18 and 2 years ago I found out that I was adopted. I found out that I had 2 brothers and sister who’s apparently my twin. I also found out they lived out here in L.A, so here I am, hopefully my 2 year search will end soon. It’s not like I’m a total stranger out here, I have a friend who’s letting me stay with her for a while, until I find my own place. “How’s the search going?” My best friend Sabria asked me. “I feel like I’m so close. I mean I can feel it.” “Have you seen pictures of them?” “Not recent ones.” “Go to, it’s legit and very accurate.” “you sure Bria?” “Yes.” “Okay.” I typed in “I don’t even know where to start.” “You were born in Tappahanock, Virginia, right? Start with the basics, do you know your real last name?” “Yeah, my adoptive parents told me I was born a Brown.” A light bulb went off. “I remember what they told me my birth mother’s name was.” I typed in the last name Brown and my birthplace of Tappahanock, VA and a few names popped up, with pictures. Then I saw it, Janet Marie Brown, married to Julian Brown for 8 years, now divorced, 4 children Chris, Gui, Macii, and… there’s my name, Marissa. I was really looking forward to meeting them all I searched my brothers’ names and it gave me their addresses and phone numbers. I placed their numbers into my phone and jotted the addresses down.

After Sabria left for work, I sat and thought long and hard about calling either Chris or Gui. I had so many questions, but I don’t know how they’d react to a stranger calling them. I looked down at my phone and my hand was shaking. I closed my eyes and pressed a name, I opened my eyes and saw that I pressed Chris’ name. I put the phone to my ear. “yo.” He answered. “Hi, is this… um Chris?” I nervously asked. “speaking… who dis?” “I don’t know how to say this but… um.” I was choking on my words. How was he going to react? “Um… what? Who are you?” He asked in an irritated tone. “I’myoursister!” I said extra fast. “What?! who? slow down and tell me who you are.” I let out a sigh. “I’m… your sister.” It was quiet for a moment. “This shit ain’t funny, my sister is dead, she was murdered years ago. I don’t know who you are, but if this is some kind of sick ass joke, I ain’t fuckin laughin.” “But, I really am your sister.” “JUST STOP!” With that he hung up. Can’t say I wasn’t expecting that. But I was stuck on when he said ‘my sister is dead’, my twin sister was murdered. But by who? I couldn’t focus on that, I was more focused on whether I should go and talk to Chris in person. I was so close to finally ending my 2 year search. I want to meet my brothers.


The fuck some female callin my house talkin about she my sister. Bullshit, my only sister was killed by that bastard when she was only 15. “What was that all about?” Morgan asked me. “Some chickk callin and claimin she was my sister. “I thought your sister was no longer with us.” “She’s not, it was some sick joke.” “How can people be like that?” She asked. “I don’t know, but it pissed me off.” The phone rang again and the I.D. read ‘J, Virginia’. I picked up the phone. “yo.” “boy don’t be answerin the phone like that.” “mama!” “hey baby, how are things?” “great.” “how’s the photography business?” “it’s goin good.” “and how’s that girlfriend of yours?” “she’s fine, moody because she’s pregnant.” My mama gasped and squealed. “my first grandbaby!” I just laughed. “Mama, can I ask you somethin.” “sure honey.” “I got a strange phone call today. Some girl called claimin she was my sister.” My mama was quiet for a minute, then she sighed. “Chris, hun. Macii wasn’t your only sister.” “Say what?” “After Gui turned 4, I found out that I was pregant with twins. Macii was born first and 4 minutes later Marissa was born.” “So you sayin I have another sister, who’s Macii’s twin?” “Yes Chris.” “Well, where is she?” She sighed again. “She’s here in Virginia, I do believe. I stupidly gave her up for adoption.” “MA!” “I know, I didn’t want to but I had to, we were struggling and I couldn’t handle 4 children.”

Right at that moment the doorbell rang. I got up and opened it and I almost passed out. “Uh… ma, I’ll call you later.” “okay hun.” We hung up. I rubbed my eyes and blinked, thinking I was looking at an illusion. But I wasn’t, I felt like I was lookin Macii right in the face. “Oh… my… gosh.” I said staring at her. She had Macii’s eyes, her cheekbones, all of Macii’s features. “I was the one who called you.” She said. “Marissa?” She nodded and smiled. Macii’s smile. I stood aside and let her in. And when Morgan got a look at her, she spit out the water she was drinkin. “Oh my gammit.” I had to laugh at that. She was watchin that Fred movie earlier. I couldn’t believe this. I swear it was like Macii was back from the dead.

“Look I’m sorry about earlier on the phone. I always thought I only had one sister.” I told her. “It’s okay, I can understand that.” “My mom, your birth mother was tellin about you.” “She remembers me?” “Yeah, you are her daughter, even though she gave you up you still have a special place in her heart.” “I’m glad she didn’t try to forget me. You said earlier about Macii being dead… what happened?” She asked me. “You don’t know this, but…” I started tellin her how a few months after mom and dad got divorced she started datin this dude named Lawrence and how he raped and killed her. “Oh my…” “Yeah, I hated his ass. Good news is, I plan on lettin my mama stay here with me until her place is done bein fixed. I bought a house I knew she would love, it’s close to me.” I looked and I almost Morgan was in the kitchen, I was so caught up with findin out about Marissa. “Oh shit, Marissa, this is my girlfriend Morgan, baby this is my other sister, who I just found out about… Marissa.” They shook hands and smiled. Morgan even let Marissa rub her protruding belly. “Aww, I’m glad I came when I did, I get to meet my first niece or nephew.” She said smiling. “Do you need a place to stay Marissa, we got plenty of room.” I asked her. “No, I’m fine, I’m staying with a friend until I find my own place.” “You sure you good?” “Yes, I’m fine, look at you worried about me already.” “Well you are my baby sister. You went through all that trouble to find us and I’m happy you’re here. You’ll meet Gui later, and hopefully if all goes well, you’ll meet your birth mother.” Marissa smiled, said her goodbyes and left. “She is really nice.” Morgan said. I just stood there smiling, I looked up and said. “Thank God there’s a part of you still here on Earth… I love you Macii.” I smiled, sighed and flopped down on the couch. It’s gonna be fun gettin to know my baby sister.

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